Regulate. Educate. Advocate.
- About the Department
- Our Mission
- Meet Commissioner Vicki Schmidt
- Key Staff and Contact Information
- Employment Opportunities
The Kansas Legislature established the Kansas Department of Insurance in 1871. The first Superintendent of Insurance, later changed to Commissioner of Insurance in 1927, was William C. Webb. There have been twenty-six Commissioners to lead The Kansas Department of Insurance, including current Commissioner Vicki Schmidt. The longest-serving Commissioner was Frank Sullivan, who served from 1947 to 1971.
In 2017, the Department began regulating securities after the Legislature merged the Office of the Kansas Securities Commission with the Kansas Department of Insurance. Originally established in 1911, Kansas was the first state to pass a law regulating the sale of investments.
Insurance and securities have changed over the years but the responsibility of the Kansas Department of Insurance to the people of Kansas remains unchanged.
The mission of The Kansas Insurance Department is to Regulate.Educate.Advocate.
Review companies that sell policies in Kansas to ensure solvency and compliance with insurance and securities laws and regulations. License and register the agencies, firms and individuals selling these products in Kansas.
Consumers about all things insurance and securities by publishing brochures and rate guides to assist in the shopping process, giving presentations to groups across Kansas and serving as a non-biased source of information.
For a strong and competitive market to give Kansans choices when shopping for products that meet their needs.
Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt, a lifelong Kansan, was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas. She and her high school sweetheart, Mike, both attended Wichita South High School. Their families lived two blocks from each other, and they shared similar upbringings focused on hard work, honesty, and faith. They headed off to the University of Kansas to continue their education together and then married in 1974. Commissioner Vicki Schmidt graduated from the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy and began work as a pharmacist.
Schmidt has served Kansas families and seniors as a local pharmacist for more than 40 years. It was her professional work experience and her commitment to helping Kansans that motivated her to run for the Legislature. As a pharmacist, Schmidt found errors in the Kansas Medical Assistance Program, errors that were costing the state millions of dollars. She became a voice for reform—speaking up and pushing for cost-effective practices in Medicaid’s drug rebate program, which ultimately resulted in more than $391 million in recouped dollars for the state and taxpayers.
In 2005, Schmidt brought her expertise to the Legislature, where she served for 14 years representing Shawnee and Wabaunsee counties. On November 6, 2018, she was elected Kansas Insurance Commissioner, and was reelected on November 8, 2022—during both elections she received the largest vote count statewide. She became the first pharmacist to serve as Kansas Insurance Commissioner and is the only pharmacist in America currently holding elected statewide office.
Commissioner Schmidt currently serves as chair of the NAIC Midwest Zone and co-vice chair of the Financial Regulation Standards and Accreditation (F) Committee. She also serves as a member of the Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee, International Insurance Relations (G) Committee, and the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) Board of Directors.
Vicki and Mike reside in Topeka, where they raised their two sons. They are also proud grandparents of four grandchildren.
To contact the Kansas Department of Insurance staff members, please email
Vicki Schmidt – Insurance Commissioner
Karen Perez – Assistant to the Commissioner
Dan Klucas – Securities Commissioner
Barbara Rankin – Assistant Commissioner
Mandy Roe – Chief of Staff
Kyle Strathman – Deputy Chief of Staff
Dale Hubbell – Director, Human Resources
John Eichkorn – Director, Compliance, Enforcement and Anti-Fraud
Steve Karrer – General Counsel
Tish Becker – Director, Financial Surveillance
Eric Turek – Director, Government Affairs
Julie Holmes – Director, Rate and Form Compliance
Lauren Childers – Director, Consumer Assistance
Nick Bylsma – Chief Information Technology Officer
Charlotte Daubert – Comptroller
Monicka Richmeier – Director, Licensing
Nicole Boyd – Chief of Actuarial Services
John Hesse – Chief of Securities Compliance
Juell Hitt – Chief of Securities Registration
Address : 1300 SW Arrowhead Road, Topeka, KS 66604 – 4073
Telephone : 785-296-3071
Email :
Licensing Division
Mail to: ATTN Licensing Division
Telephone : 785-296-7862
Email :
Securities Registration
Mail to: ATTN Securities
Telephone: 785-296-5215
Consumer Assistance Division
File a consumer complaint or make a consumer inquiry
Consumer Assistance Hotline : 800-432-2484
Telephone : 785-296-3071
TTY/TTD: 877-235-3151
Email :
Officer of the Day
Make a report or provide a tip regarding securities or insurance fraud to a special agent with the Department
Telephone: 785-296-6409
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Current career opportunities at the Kansas Department of Insurance.
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Kansas Department of Insurance
1300 SW Arrowhead Rd.
Topeka, KS 66604
Phone: 785-296-3071
Consumer Hotline: 800-432-2484
More Contact Information