Long-Term Care
Long-Term Care links …
Introduction to Long-Term Care
What is Long-Term Care?
Long-term care is the help you may need if you are unable to care for yourself because of a prolonged illness or disability. People often think of long-term care as taking place in a nursing home. In fact, “long-term care” refers to a variety of private and semi-private care situations and services, including home health care, adult day care, and nursing facilities.
Life, Annuities and Long-Term Care Shopper’s Guide
The Life, Annuities and Long-Term Care Shopper’s Guide is designed to give you basic information about long-term care insurance and answer some of your commonly asked questions, including who should consider buying long-term care insurance. It also provides cost and rate-increase information to help you shop for a policy.
The Kansas Partnership for Long-Term Care
The Long-Term Care Partnership Program is a public/private cooperative program that allows states to be designated as Partnership states under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. Insurance policies must meet the state and federal Partnership requirements.
People who purchase qualifying long-term care policies, after depleting their insurance benefits, may still qualify for Medicaid, provided they meet all other Medicaid eligibility criteria.
The Long-Term Care Partnership Program provides dollar-for-dollar asset protection. Each dollar that your Partnership policy pays out in benefits entitles you to keep a dollar of your assets if you ever need to apply for Medicaid Services.
Kansas Department of Insurance
1300 SW Arrowhead Rd.
Topeka, KS 66604
Phone: 785-296-3071
Consumer Hotline: 800-432-2484
Email: KDOI@ks.gov
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