Company Rate/Form Filings

Insurance Company Rate, Rule and Policy Form Filing Public Access

Insurance company filings submitted electronically to the Kansas Department of Insurance through the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF) are made available at no cost through the SERFF Filing Access (SFA) website in accordance with the Kansas Open Records Act.  In order to search and download public insurance company filings, click the following link to access the SFA website.
Serff Logo
SERFF Filing Access
If you require additional documentation not available through SFA, you may submit an Open Records Request through the Kansas Department of Insurance website.

Open Records Request

Company Look-Up

Other Requests

For requests other than the above; Variable cost, see brochure for information

Title Rates

Title rate and charges filings with the Department (free service)

Most rate, rule, and form filings are subject to the Kansas Open Records Act.