Public Adjusters
Public Adjusters links …
Resident Requirements
Resident Renewal
Nonresident Requirements
Nonresident Renewal
Maintain License
NOTE: The public adjuster can only be involved in a first-party claim and the claim must be associated with a commercial lines policy.
Resident Public Adjuster Licensing Application & Requirements
For information on non-resident public adjuster licensing requirements, click here.
*K.S.A. 40-5501 et. seq., governs the activities of public adjusters.
To apply for a Kansas resident public adjuster license, you must satisfy or meet the following requirements:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Apply for a Certificate of Tax Clearance from the Kansas Department of Revenue and attach the Certificate of Tax Clearance to the NIPR Attachment Warehouse. You MUST electronically upload the Certificate of Tax Clearance to the application by visiting Attachment Warehouse NIPR and selecting “ALD” Additional Licensing Documents. Your application will not be processed until a Certificate of Tax Clearance has been received by the Department. Please note: A Certificate of Tax Clearance is valid for the period stated on the Certificate of Tax Clearance. The NIPR Attachment Warehouse is available approximately 15 minutes after submitting the application through NIPR or up to 24 hours using a third-party retailer.
- Submit the NAIC Uniform Application for Individual Adjuster through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) at
- At the time you apply, you must pay an application fee of $100 and fingerprinting fee of $60. Both fees are nonrefundable.
- You must have passed the Kansas Public Adjusters Examination.* See the Producer Examinations page for specific information on licensing examinations (licensing test scores are valid for two years from the date of examination.)
License Renewal and Continuing Education (Resident)
Each resident public adjuster may renew the license biennially. The biennial due date is the last day of the public adjuster’s birth month, in an even- or odd-numbered year, depending on whether you were born in an even- or odd-numbered year. For newly licensed adjusters, such due date shall not be earlier than two years from the date of the initial licensure.
Requirements for license renewal:
- Complete 18 hours of approved continuing education credit every two years, with at least three hours of instruction in insurance ethics.
- Submit a renewal application and pay a $100 biennial renewal fee through at the time of their biennial renewal.
- CE providers must submit CE completion information electronically to State Based Systems (SBS). The Department will not accept any completion certificates (whether in paper or electronic form) from licensees or CE completion information from CE providers after January 1, 2022.
Nonresident Public Adjuster Licensing Application & Requirements
Kansas non-resident public adjusters can only be involved in a first-party claim be associated with a commercial lines policy.
*K.S.A. 40-5501 et. seq., governs the activities of public adjusters.
To apply for a Kansas nonresident public adjuster license, you must satisfy or meet the following requirements:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Submit the NAIC Uniform Application for Individual Adjuster Online via the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR). Applications submitted on a paper form will NOT be accepted.
- Payment of $100.00 Application fee (collected when application submitted to NIPR). Application fees are nonrefundable.
- Hold a public adjuster license in your designated home state.
- A Certification Letter from the public adjuster’s home state is not required. The license status will be verified through the NAIC’s Producer Data Base (PDB).
License Renewal (Non-Resident)
- Each non-resident public adjuster may renew the license biennially. The biennial due date is the last day of the public adjuster’s birth month, in an even- or odd-numbered year, depending on whether you were born in an even- or odd-numbered year. For newly licensed adjusters, such due date shall not be earlier than two years from the date of the initial licensure.
- Submit a renewal application and pay a $100 biennial renewal fee through at the time of their biennial renewal.
- Proof of continuing education compliance and home state license status will be verified through the NAIC Producer Data Base (PDB Participating State Report at
Maintaining Your Public Adjuster License (Resident and Non-Resident)
- Resident public adjusters must satisfy the continuing education requirements in Kansas.
- You must keep a current email address on file. All notices and other communications will be sent via email.
- You must report changes in home and mailing addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers within 30 days of occurrence. These must be reported via a Contact Change Request (CCR) through NIPR. Do not notify the Department directly of these changes.
- Resident licensees should submit name change requests through contact change information.
- You are also required to notify the Department of, within 30 days of occurrence, any regulatory actions, terminations for cause, actions taken against a license in another state, and new convictions. These must be reported to the Department at with “Report of Action” in the Subject of the email.
Kansas Department of Insurance
1300 SW Arrowhead Rd.
Topeka, KS 66604
Phone: 785-296-3071
Consumer Hotline: 800-432-2484
More Contact Information